Kids Gone Wild: 40+ Times Children Knew Just How To Push Their Parents’ Buttons

By Amy M

Parenting is a full-time job that you can never quit. A child can bring so much joy into your life, but on the flip side, expect to gain a couple of gray hairs from the experience. If you have a lot of patience and don’t mind your house being a total mess 24/7, then you’ll really love parenthood.

Plus, having kids is far from boring; they’ll always leave you little gifts here and there, like half-eaten strawberries in the fridge and glitter sprinkled everywhere. And though spending time with them is wonderful, sometimes one needs a break from these little rascals.

So if you have a moment to yourself or are just looking for a good laugh, put your feet up and take a look at this hilarious post about parents who’ve definitely seen better days!

Living the Dream

Kid plus technology plus credit card equals three Barbie Dreamhouses. This girl looks very proud of herself for buying all these toys using her mom’s card. That must have cost a pretty penny! Thank heavens for the existence of the return option.

Image courtesy of NinkovichPlease/Reddit

Only two people were happy with this whole situation; this kid and the people she ordered the toys from. We hope she got to keep at least one after all her hard work. Suffice it to say, this mom will never leave her phone unattended ever again.

Money, Money, Money

Abba’s lyrics, “money, money, money must be funny in a rich man’s world,” are quite fitting for this picture. Well, in this case, it would be funny in a toddler’s world. Though a child wouldn’t be able to see the value of fifty-four dollars, the truth is, you can do something with that money.

Image courtesy of ohmygravey/Reddit

It’s not a good idea to leave a three-year-old with scissors for multiple reasons. They could either hurt themselves with them or cut up all your money! Kids get bored quickly, so be sure to leave them with a coloring book, or else you might stumble upon such a scene.

One-Polite Bite

Have you ever heard of the one-bite rule or the one-polite bite? This is when parents get their children, who are picky eaters, to try at least one bite of their food to see if they like it. It looks as if someone was trying that out with these strawberries.

Image courtesy of Kel_Varnsen89/Reddit

We all know that these will most likely end up being thrown away. If this kid is like most, they aren’t going to want to eat the rest of them. They were simply taste testing. A strange version of wine tasting in the toddler world.

A Splash of Greenery

Ferns thrive in moist soil and shade, so someone thought a toilet seemed like the best place to put this one. These parents will need more than a plunger to get that out. Surprisingly, this wasn’t the work of a small child but a twenty-two-year-old man!

Image courtesy of TheHound114/Reddit

This dude must have some serious issues with his parents. Or maybe he just felt like redecorating and thought that the bathroom, the toilet, more specifically, lacked decor and thought some nice greenery would do the trick. Hopefully, no one needed the bathroom urgently.


Glitter may look sparkly and magical, but it’s every parent’s worst nightmare. The minute a bit of that stuff gets on something, it will remain there until the end of time. If your child has a project and wants to add some glam to it, you’re better off giving them some washi tape!

Image courtesy of jrappleyea13/Reddit

Or, you could end up in a situation like this. If your child spills glitter all over the place, don’t panic. All you need is a lint roller. Even if it doesn’t completely remove it, there won’t be as much sparkle all over. Now the hair is a whole different story!

Mouse Trap

Looks like we have some comics in the making. These kids trapped their parent’s mouse after learning how to use the heat sealer. This is actually a harmless prank since if they urgently need it, all they have to do is cut it open, and voila, they have their mouse back.

Image courtesy of scubanarc/Reddit

Turns out, they sealed their parent’s phones as well. These guys had better get rid of that machine, or else they’ll find everything in the house sealed in plastic. Kudos to these kids, though. They were smart enough to know to pull pranks that were funny but not extreme so they wouldn’t get into trouble.

Roasted Sneakers

Keep your eyes on your toddlers at all times. Or else, they might just throw their brand-new sneakers in a fireplace like this one here. That’s a whole lot of money down the drain. Well, in this case, it’s in the fire.

Image courtesy of liamemsa/Reddit

Small kids grow out of their shoes in like five seconds, but they still need them because they’re essentials. That shoe, however, is burnt to a crisp and can’t be worn, obviously. Luckily no one was harmed, only the poor sneaker.

Eight-legged Prank

Aah! Spider! Oh, phew, it’s not real. This kid must’ve given their parent a heart attack with that. We wonder if they were told it was fake after they finished screaming or if they were brave enough to check. All we know is that this youngster is certainly creative.

Image courtesy of ElectricBOOTSxo/Reddit

Arachnophobia is one of the most common phobias. Even a picture of these eight-legged creatures could give someone the heebie-jeebies. This parent said they almost burnt their house down after seeing this. But we bet the kid just thought the whole thing was hysterical!

Nightmare on Christmas

What a hair-raising incident! This dad made the mistake of giving his child a drone for Christmas. The toy somehow crash-landed in the mom’s hair. Good thing this happened after presents, or else they would’ve ended up on Santa’s naughty list!

Image courtesy of Cichlidsaremyjam/Reddit

We really hope they managed to get that out without having to cut huge chunks of her long thick hair. If the drone wasn’t damaged, a good idea would have been to send it straight back to the store. Some of that money could at least go towards a brand-new sleek haircut for mom.

Dip in the Toilet

It appears this lad has let his intrusive thoughts win. We think we speak for everyone when we say kids should use a potty until they’re old enough to know that they shouldn’t go for a dip in the toilet! His parents will definitely be telling this tale at his wedding one day.

Image courtesy of frisbm3/Reddit

Toilets are among the most filthy places in the house, so this is quite gross. We’re not even sure if he got in there voluntarily or if he fell in by mistake. But judging by the strange look of contentment on his face, we’re leaning toward the former.


Nowadays, people will do anything for a couple of views on the internet, including jumping over a phone with a dirt bike. That is how this kiddo destroyed his cell phone. He thought he could get away with it, but he forgot that he’d left some evidence behind.

Image courtesy of SisteroftheMoon16/Reddit

He’d posted this video which has now racked up over thirty-four thousand views on YouTube. In it, he managed to jump over the phone, so he most likely broke it off camera. Still, chances are high that this is how it got crushed. Maybe next time, he’ll remember to get rid of the evidence first!

Bean Bag Explosion

Uh-oh! Major bean bag explosion. Who knew those cool chairs could make such a mess? It looks like the door was left open during a really bad snowstorm. Frankly, this might be more difficult to get rid of than glitter.

Image courtesy of AbelNB/Reddit

Bean bags are meant to last up to about four years. However, when you have little ones, four years is a dream because they’re quite fond of jumping on furniture. This is why you should consider investing in a trampoline!


Clean up on aisle five! This kid spilled milk all over her parent’s car. Now it’s going to need a deep cleaning and some baking soda in order to get that stench out. We have a feeling she might need to get used to drinking water in the vehicle since we’re certain milk is banned.

Image courtesy of madjedi55/Reddit

Kids are known to have butterfingers because of how easily they drop things. Unless you have seat protectors, be careful what you hand them to eat or drink in the car.  Greasy foods and milk should be a no-go unless you’re willing to risk dealing with pungent odors and wet seats.

Noise Pollution

When you have a baby, you know to expect sleepless nights. Well, apparently, you should also add deafness to that list. According to this dad’s watch, their baby’s cries could cause temporary hearing loss if it continued for thirty minutes. Thank heavens for technology!

Image courtesy of Parelius/Reddit

This baby must have quite a set of pipes on her. Ninety decibels is comparable to the sound of a leaf blower or the volume of a concert. That’s insane! We can’t help but wonder how accurate this watch is because how can a tiny little human make so much noise?

Lending a Helping Hand

Welp! This guy should say his goodbyes to his MacBook because nothing can save it now. Not even rice. His daughter was trying to help him out by giving the laptop a good wash because she thought it looked a bit dirty.

Image courtesy of PeecockPrince/Reddit

It’s so sweet how she was trying to do something nice for her dad! But we’re certain we’d shed a tear or two after seeing our very expensive computer being destroyed. Parents, here’s a tip, always remember to keep your valuables on higher shelves lest your two-year-old feels charitable and bathes your iPhone next!

Coin Slot

Who needs piggy banks when you’ve got keyholes? This person discovered that their three-year-old twins were stashing loose change in there. Honestly, this is an ingenious place to keep your money since no one would think to look in there!

Image courtesy of newsoundera/Reddit

Normally people search places like underneath couch cushions for some coins, but now it seems that you should also check all your keyholes. The coins shouldn’t be too tricky to get ahold of if you have a screwdriver. This is another reason why it’s a good idea to have tools around.

In a Jam

Cat towers are not built for humans, obviously. Kiddies should stick to playgrounds and leave these items to the fur babies. But don’t worry, folks; they eventually got her out of there without calling the fire department, which was a miracle!

Image courtesy of punch_you/Reddit

She looks very upset that they stopped to snap a pic of her in this embarrassing moment, and we don’t blame her. But at least she’s not a grown-up that got stuck in a swing set! Now that’s something to be really embarrassed about.

All Clawed Up

We have some good news and bad news for these parents. The good news is that they can go shopping for a brand-new couch and have a fun family outing while at it. But the bad news is that they now have to be a little bit scared of their child.

Image courtesy of platypus0fd3ath/Reddit

You would think this looks the way it does because a cat went a bit bonkers and scratched it up, but no, a child did this. Kids usually destroy a couch by spilling juice all over it, not tearing it to pieces with pliers! That’s actually a bit terrifying.


“Now I know my ABCs. Next time won’t you sing with me?” Someone felt the urgent need to practice the alphabet while they were chilling in their parent’s car. Another lesson here: paper should always be available to little ones at all times so that they don’t use the headrest as their drawing pad.

Image courtesy of unneekway/Reddit

A bit of rubbing alcohol and a sponge should be enough to remove the ink. But if it doesn’t come out, they will have no choice but to buy a headrest cover to hide it. This parent was probably torn between feeling frustrated and proud at the same time!

Snack Time

Sharing is caring. That’s definitely this boy’s philosophy. He brought a toaster to school so he could make Pop-Tarts for his classmates. According to his mom, he found an outlet in the lunchroom and proceeded to toast them and pass them around. He truly has a heart of gold!

Image courtesy of ElisaStoneLeahy/Twitter

He should be awarded a gold star for his wonderful behavior instead of getting into trouble. The kid probably just loves pop-tarts so much that he thought it was only fair that he shared that experience with his closest friends. Such a cool kid!

Treasure Trove

If your child’s toys mysteriously disappear, you should check your speakers since some of them have the annoying habit of placing their belongings in there. They either leave their toys all over the floor or lose them in the furniture and gadgets.

Image courtesy of LunarFisher/Reddit

We wonder if the speaker survived this assault. But at least it’s better than having maple syrup poured in there, which has happened, by the way. Though their toys come in boxes, they always find it more entertaining to stash them in places you’d least expect.

Numb Thumb

At some point in your life, you’ll probably be a parent to either an animal, plant, or human. This person was a plant parent to a beautiful orchid. We say “was” because their three-year-old mini-human wrecked it after it took two years to bloom, which was really devastating.

Image courtesy of Simple-Ice-6800/Reddit

Orchids can take up to three or even eight years to bloom. Fortunately for this woman, this was the second time their plant had had flowers in five years. Though she clearly has a green thumb, it appears their child didn’t inherit that gene!

Scrambled Eggs

Here we have a chef at work. She just needs a little more practice because the eggs are supposed to go in the pan, not on the floor. Jokes aside, you should never underestimate the curiosity or resourcefulness of a kid. They will always make you regret it.

Image courtesy of dnekrash/Reddit

Only one egg was left whole after the tray was knocked down. However, the little kid still felt that her work wasn’t done, so when they were cleaning up, she broke it! Maybe this was her way of letting her parents know that she doesn’t like eggs.


Ink is the worst. It has ruined many items of clothing, and it even stains skin, as you can see. This right here is what happens when kids are left alone with a stamp pad. You wouldn’t want them to go to school looking like this.

Image courtesy of dong_a_pen/Reddit

This child’s mom tried and failed to clean this mess with soap and water. Luckily, hairspray, sanitizer, lemon juice, and coconut oil can remove the ink. We’d go for coconut oil because it doesn’t have chemicals and is a great moisturizer.

Mystery Meal

A new game has been invented; guess the contents of the tin. The boy who removed these labels won’t know if he’s getting pumpkin purée or cream of mushroom for dinner. But he brought that upon himself, so he has no one else to blame.

Image courtesy of Licked_Cupcake92/Reddit

When someone says, “surprise me for dinner,” in this house, they won’t know that you’ll be just as surprised as them when you pick a tin. Shaking them won’t help with figuring out what it is, as most of them have the same consistency. Well, we hope they love surprises!

Dr. Caramelito

Dentists will be thrilled with this one. Someone’s six-year-old replaced their toothpaste with caramel syrup. The only problem is, if he stops using peppermint toothpaste, Dr. Caramelito, as he prefers to be known, will develop cavities. He is better off getting bubblegum-flavored toothpaste.

Image courtesy of a_milky_way_pirate/Reddit

If this was his way of saying he wanted more caramel syrup on his snacks, all he had to do was ask. But since children’s actions are ruled by kid logic, here we are. Anyway, wouldn’t it be absolutely awesome if he ended up being a dentist?

Mmm Waffles

Kids do the darndest things, like pouring maple syrup into floor vents. This kid’s parents were probably wondering why they were craving waffles every time they turned on the heat. Well, there will be no need to buy scented candles in that house ever again!

Image courtesy of BipolarBearD**k/Twitter

Maple syrup isn’t the worst thing he could’ve put in there. He could’ve really done them dirty by pouring milk, which would create a foul odor. That said, though syrup does have a wonderful aroma, the one drawback is that it would attract an army of ants. Hopefully, the invasion wasn’t that bad.

Sticky Situation

People losing their AirPods in washing machines or dropping them while out and about is a common occurrence. However, it’s unlikely that you’ve ever heard of someone losing them in a bottle of orange juice. Well, that’s because most people hide their prized possessions from their two-year-olds.

Image courtesy of MajorRyes/Reddit

It’s unfortunate that these devices aren’t waterproof. But even if they were, this is sticky juice, not water. It also chilled there for three days, so it would still be broken. The only good news is that they were removed before anyone swallowed them accidentally.

Apple Crumble

Baked apple, anyone? This is actually an Apple pen that a child put in the oven. It’s been burned beyond recognition. Now anytime someone wants to bake something, they have to scan the oven for any expensive technology that might have been discarded in there.

Image courtesy of r0arpunzel/Reddit

It’s doubtful that a three-year-old knows how to work appliances. One of the grown-ups in the house must have turned the oven on without realizing that something other than food was in there. So, always remember to check yours before baking anything.

Goo Surprise

Trust us when we tell you not to buy your child a ball filled with goo. Not unless you want your whole house to be covered in what looks like paint. This is actually cornstarch and water, but it could have a bit of glue mixed in there.

Image courtesy of Bunniemonkey/Reddit

The goo is everywhere now. It’s even splattered all over the couch! This would be the perfect time to teach your child how to use a mop. But you also have to know that when you become a parent, you’re basically signing up for a lifetime of tidying up after your kids.

No Crust Please

Crust is like the first slice of bread; everyone tends to avoid it. This parent knew how their toddler felt about it, so they cut it off for her. But she still didn’t eat the whole sandwich. She must’ve spotted a tiny bit of crust on there.

Image courtesy of that_fresh_life/Reddit

According to a study, the crust is the healthiest part of the bread. It contains dietary fiber and an antioxidant called propyl-lysine. Kids don’t really care about health benefits, though. That’s why this one had the audacity to do this.

Computer Woes

Kiddos seem to be very interested in technology, or at least eager to destroy it. This person found their three-year-old removing the keys off of their keyboard. They were probably trying to rearrange it into alphabetical order. After all, the kid did say they were trying to fix it.

Image courtesy of PharmacistDude/Reddit

Usually, tape or glue can temporarily hold something together, but sadly keyboards don’t work like that. Unless they’re a computer whizz, this parent will have to take this to a professional to reattach the keys. If not, we’re certain there are YouTube tutorials they could watch.

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

It’s infuriating when someone eats all the good snacks, but it’s even worse when they nibble on them without finishing. If this is not a common occurrence in your household, then you’re lucky you don’t have a toddler like this person here.

Image courtesy of Lost-Cateran/Reddit

Apples are an excellent source of vitamin C and fiber, so it’s good that this kid is certainly eating healthily. That said, they didn’t have to resort to this uncouth behavior of nibbling each one and returning it to the bowl. It seems kids will only have fruit if it’s in a juice box.

Fun with Arts and Crafts

Perler beading is a fun arts and crafts activity enjoyed by people of all ages. But instead of making fun designs with the beads, these people had to spend hours reorganizing the whole kit. We’re assuming this happened because the box was opened the wrong way.

Image courtesy of danielleharrison90/Reddit

Many people might find it soothing to sit and rearrange the kit, but this mom certainly felt otherwise. She was busy placing all of them into their correct compartments for three hours with her kids. Honestly, that sounds pretty exhausting.


This girl clearly has her priorities straight. Kaleidoscopes are really cool, so you can’t blame her for forgetting to pack necessities. She didn’t necessarily need to bring two of them, but at least she’ll have some entertainment during the trip!

Image courtesy of juliussharpe/Twitter

Kaleidoscopes are incredible toys that were invented by a Scottish scientist named David Brewster in 1816. They create amazing patterns when you look through them due to light and reflection. Sounds really fascinating, right? Maybe we’ll even pack one for our next trip!

Human Bean Bag

Moms are superheroes who work incredibly hard every day. As such, they deserve a break every once in a while, whether that means a spa day or a long, blissful nap on the couch. This mom was trying to catch some z’s, but then her kids decided to treat her like a bean bag chair!

Image courtesy of Yosemite_Scott/Reddit

That does not look comfortable at all. Her son is literally sitting on her neck! She must be very exhausted if she’s still lying there after this assault. You can tell by her facial expression that she’s not very pleased. Her daughter, on the other hand, is grinning from ear to ear. Poor mum!

Hamster! Hamster! Hamster!

Someone received a large dose of the best medicine; laughter. It must have been hilarious to witness someone being chased by their kids on their small bicycles. These little terrors were demanding a hamster, and something tells us that they eventually got what they wanted.

Image courtesy of i_miss_the_days/Twitter

This situation is comedy gold. We really wish there was a photo of it. If someone had captured that moment and posted it on the internet, it definitely would’ve gotten a lot of likes. Oh well, we still thank this person for sharing that hilarious situation.

Hand Socks

This mom thought she had put socks on her son’s feet until her mother-in-law sent her this photo. Mittens are technically socks, but they’re meant for the hands. Well, at least his feet were warm and toasty! Plus, it was really early in the morning, so don’t mom shame her, please.

Image courtesy of shedreamsofunicorns/Reddit

Her kid must also be really young since he didn’t call her out on her mistake. Or maybe he didn’t mind wearing the mittens as socks; who knows? His feet were still protected from the cold weather, so it was a win nonetheless.

Mom-Free Zone

This boy’s room has now been declared a mom-free zone since she took his iPad away. Back in the day, kids used to play outside, but these days, they’re glued to their screens. They can’t imagine life without their precious technology. If you take it away, expect to find something like this.

Image courtesy of BtSquared2/Twitter

Just like teachers, parents don’t get paid enough to deal with things like this. This kid must’ve been fuming since he chose to write on the door instead of a piece of paper. This is actually quite hurtful once you get over the funny part.

Frosting Thief

Somebody clearly has a sweet tooth. Frosting is undoubtedly the best part of the cupcake, that’s why this kid ate all of it. Unfortunately for them, they might regret eating all that later as it could cause a terrible tummy ache.

Image courtesy of

Their mom wanted to make a nice batch of cupcakes for everyone to enjoy. But it seems the rest of the family will have to wait since these desserts have been tampered with. If these little ones aren’t stealing sugar from the sugar bowl, then they’re eating all the frosting off your cupcakes. Stay vigilant!

Oh no!

This girl might have a bit of an anger problem. Just check out the side of the desk. It has the words “you suck” written on it. Apparently, she did this because her parents put a timer on her music. She was asked to turn it off an hour after bedtime.

Image courtesy of cwolfe1012/Reddit

When children get angry, you know a tantrum is coming, but you’d never expect them to do something as bad as this. Her parents said that she’d never acted out like this before. We can only conclude that she must really love her music.

Into the Blue

Bath bombs have amazing scents and are great for adding a pop of color to your plain boring bath water. But this is no bath bomb. This right here is blue food dye that a kid decided to take with him to bath time.

Image courtesy of Core1989/Reddit

It appears that he added the food dye to his bath water and even drank some of it. Most people only add a tiny drop of that stuff to their baked goods, so we don’t know if a whole bottle of it would even taste nice. He seems to have enjoyed it, though!

Potty Mouth

Teething toddlers will chew on anything accessible to them, including a potty. In the child’s defense, it probably resembled her teething ring. It also looks like a big piece of candy or a doughnut, so we totally get it. Just as well, she spat it out after she took a huge bite.

Image courtesy of gemrunner/Reddit

When a toddler is chewing on everything in sight, it’s probably because they’re teething and experiencing a lot of discomfort. The pain in their gums can be reduced with the help of a teething ring or cold foods like applesauce. Just don’t let them chomp on their potty!

Pop! Goes the Bean Bag

Bean bags come in a range of fun colors and are super comfy. Sadly they can break easily and create a huge mess. For example, this disaster happened because someone’s two-year-old opened up a bean bag and let all the beads loose.

Image courtesy of jinxykatte/Reddit

Unfortunately, this will take hours to clean up because their vacuum broke. If they decide to sell their home one day, the new owners will probably still be finding these beads everywhere since they’re very difficult to get rid of.

Baking Disaster

This little girl right here is none other than the child of famous Canadian chef and restaurateur Matty Matheson. The poor kid was trying to help her dad make her birthday cake, but she, unfortunately, ended up covered in chocolate sauce.

Image courtesy of mattymatheson/Instagram

We’re sure her baking skills will improve as she gets older since she certainly has the best teacher. Hopefully, this incident doesn’t traumatize her and put her off the activity completely. If anything, we think it made for a fun memory before things went south.