The Kids Are Alright: Dad Uses Photoshop To Send Hilarious Updates To His Girlfriend
We are proud to present to you the man, the myth, the Photoshop legend, Kenny Deuss. Kenny is a digital creator, author, and father from Antwerp, Belgium. He is best known for creating a viral Instagram page, “On Adventure With Dad,” where he photoshops images of his children in different funny or alarming situations.
This all began when the mother of his children would ask him if the kids were doing alright, and instead of letting her know with a boring ol’ message, he got creative and started replying with these hilarious photos. Please take note; these images are all photoshopped. These incidents didn’t actually take place, so no child was harmed in the making of these photos. After reading this post, you should go give his Instagram account a follow. You will not be disappointed. Happy scrolling!
Disclaimer: No children were harmed in the making of these photos. All images were created using Photoshop.
Up, Up, and Away
Here’s a never before seen picture of Mary Poppins as a baby. Just kidding. The strong winds from a storm whisked away his precious baby and hat. We know how much guys love their hats, so we hope he got it back. Kidding again!

This photoshopped photo was inspired by the storm Eunice that happened back in February 2022. We’re just glad that he didn’t really take his bundle of joy out for a stroll during the storm, or else this might’ve happened for real. That wind was super strong.
Gone Phishing
Many people fall for scams every year. Kenny wanted to teach his daughter about the dangers of phishing. After learning all about it, she decided that she wanted to go phishing. Zoom in, and you’ll see the text: “Dear Dad, your bank account has been hacked. Click here to secure your account.”

Just like a phishing scam, one can be easily tricked into thinking that this photo is real. But seriously, this picture is too cute and a brilliant play on words. She would be the perfect poster child for phishing awareness, don’t you think?
Hairdressing Fail
Kid for president? Not a good idea? Kid as a hairdresser? That’s even worse. Unless you want uneven, patchy hair in real life, don’t hand your kid a razor. If they want to try out hairdressing, hand them a pair of safety scissors and let them practice on their teddies.

We’re sure that he is thrilled that he actually got a professional to cut his hair. One day when his daughter is much older, he can let her give him a proper haircut. He can trust her with a razor when she’s a teen or in her twenties. Hopefully.
Bedtime Story
Aww, what a lovely story to read to your children before they hit the hay. We think that parents should rather stick with Goldilocks and the Three Bears to lull their little ones to sleep. This book would probably give them nightmares.

It would be quite concerning if they really had that look of interest and joy on their faces while reading horrific stories like this. But Kenny is a good dad. He was probably showing them a fairytale story or a kid-friendly mystery book.
Claw Machine Conundrum
Oh no! Someone really wanted a teddy bear from the claw machine and jumped right in there. Her dad only had two coins left, so hopefully he managed to get her out. Luckily this one is a joke because, believe it or not, this happened before.

A boy in April 2023 wanted to get a toy from the claw machine, and we all know how difficult it is to win a plush, so he climbed inside and got stuck. He has been banned for a year. We’re not surprised. We doubt anyone would ban an innocent baby, though.
Dad’s Little Helper
We love to see a father and daughter doing some chores around the house together. She’s clearly been eating her greens since she has some Popeye strength. Imagine if a baby could balance plates like that. We have to say we would be a little concerned.

This photo is hysterical, and so is the shirt he is wearing—that’s another one of his Photoshop masterpieces. Show this small child balancing dishes to unsuspecting friends and family, and their hearts will skip a beat. Like all Kenny’s photos, this is scary realistic. A job well done.
Little Baller
Look at this little baller go. Her cool Nike sneakers have really given her a spring in her step. She would make a great asset to one of the NBA teams. It’s incredible how the ball was dunked. She could give Michael Jordan a run for his money—if this actually happened, which it didn’t.

What a great way to advertise Nike shoes. Your little one could be a professional basketball player with these kicks. Consider buying a pair for your bundle of joy. Like Nike says, “Just do it.” Well, as long as you don’t mind them beating you in a match because these shoes will help them do so.
Reach for the Stars
It’s hard to believe this kid is balancing on all these items—cause she’s not; this is photoshopped. To celebrate his daughter turning two years old, Kenny posted this adorable photo. Let’s all wish a happy belated birthday to this legend. All these photoshopped pictures wouldn’t be possible without her and her sister.

For one of her next birthdays, her dad should put together a little scrapbook of all the photoshopped pictures he has created of her. Or a slideshow. It would be great to play at an important event of hers one day.
Fry Cook
Nothing warms the heart and fills the stomach like a home-cooked meal. The little one is responsible for the french fries while her dad adds all the sauces and taste tests. We know that, in reality, it is the other way around.

Who knows, in the future, maybe, she will really enjoy cooking and become the next female Gordon Ramsey. She just needs to be much older to deal with a fryer. You gotta teach ‘em young to do things like cooking, but not this young.
Perfect Pet
What a lovely little pet to keep your kids company at home. Don’t worry, people; he doesn’t bite. He is a friendly little angel. Look at the name on his food bowl, “Catt Damon.” That’s really clever. Instead of naming a cat “Whiskers,” people are going to steal that.

Kenny said he picked up this “stray cat” for his daughter. That’s a strange cat; we’ve never seen one like this before. Is it a tabby? In all seriousness, we think it’s better to keep a real cat at home.
Bend it Like Beckham
Soccer is a game beloved by many. It brings people together, whether you’re watching or playing a game with someone. It’s also nice for siblings to kick around a ball in the backyard to pass the time. Just look at these to bonding. PS, the baby wasn’t really the goalie; don’t stress.

She shoots she scores! Unless the goalie saved it. But she’ll probably only be able to do that when she is at least a toddler. For now, her sister can practice her shots. By the time her baby sibling can play goalkeeper, she’ll be a really good striker, and she can win.
Fun in the Sun
This is why you have kids. While you’re relaxing, your children can take care of the chores. Just look at his daughter mowing the lawn. If a baby can do this, then your child can take their dishes to the kitchen. However, we live in the real world, so none of that will happen.

You might be wondering what book has got him so entranced. He’s not even moving out of the way. That’s the book Kenny wrote; it’s titled, Adventures with Dad: Being a Dad is Child’s Play. You, too, can read his book and have some me time.
This is what it’s like to have a sister. When you’re small, they put you in the toilet, and when you get older, they steal your clothes and makeup. The first part is a joke, but the second thing definitely happens. They can look forward to that one day.

You might be wondering what on earth is happening in this photo. Kenny joked that his oldest was told to clean the toilet, and she decided to put her sister in there because she wouldn’t allow her to play with the toilet rolls.
Hanging Around
“Wash the clothes and hang them to dry as well as the baby.” Check and check. His dryer was broken, so Kenny was forced to let them dry on the drying rack. At least he is saving electricity, and the baby seems to be having fun.

If a parent really did this to their kid, which we don’t think they should, we doubt they would have a smile on their face. Kids would rather dangle from a jungle gym in a playground. That would be more fun.
Uncle Mark
Wow, it must be nice to know Mark Zuckerberg. Just as well Kenny was there to help Facebook’s co-founder sort out the problem when the platform crashed. Everyone can see that Kenny is a whizz when it comes to technology, so if anyone could help, it would be him.

It would be cool if he knew Mark Zuckerberg because then his daughters could brag about knowing him to their friends at school. Well, they have a really talented dad who is well-known, so they can always brag about him.
Child’s Play
What’s more impressive than doing a few tricks on a skateboard? Jumping over your sibling with a scooter, that’s what! Next time they need to be more careful, and at least wear helmets. It’s really dangerous not to wear a helmet.

We bet Kenny fits them with helmets whenever they go for a ride in real life. If a youngster could actually perform these tricks safely, then we would be left speechless. Kids can be daredevils, but it is more like they would want to climb a tree than jump over someone’s head with a scooter.
Safety First
Looks like Kenny really took that whole “Put your mask on first before helping others” thing that flight attendants say seriously. He wanted to teach his daughter about welding, but she was only watching, so she thought she didn’t need the protection. We’re relieved this image is fake because that would hurt a lot!

Always remember: safety first. When dealing with tools, have your goggles, mask, gloves, and anything else you need to protect yourself. Even if you’re watching someone deal with tools, you still need protection. Repeat after us, “Never give safety a day off.”
Chess Prodigy
Actor Dustin Diamond once said, “Chess is a game that benefits people of all ages, especially kids, in any area of life, business, problem-solving, and social skills.” We totally agree, but we don’t think he meant to include infants in that statement.

Did you know that the youngest person to become the chess Grandmaster is currently a boy named Abhimanyu Mishra? He was given the title on June 30, 2021, at the young age of twelve years old. That’s impressive, but we wonder if he is as good as this baby. Look how she beat her dad.
Old MacDonald had a farm, ei i ee i oh, and on his farm he had some sheep which a baby rode. It was a lovely day for a walk in a field, and apparently horseback riding but on a sheep somewhere in the UK. Really? No. They most likely only did some sightseeing.

People really let their kids ride sheep at rodeo events. Umm, that doesn’t sound very safe. We know this wasn’t a rodeo event, so his kid probably just admired the sheep from afar. They are friendly animals but not that friendly.
Paint the Car Red
When you have a child, you can wave goodbye to any hope of having a decent car. Either food will be thrown about inside, or your child will paint it another color on the outside. Luckily for Kenny, he just has some really good Photoshop skills, but other parents can’t say the same.

If your child doesn’t wash your car with rocks, they’ll probably wash it with paint at some point. Someone once said, “If you think that being a great parent requires a limitless amount of patience, you are wrong. You need more than that.”
Musical Genius
Give it up for Kenny’s daughter. Today she’ll be playing “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” on the ukulele. If she keeps practicing, by the time she’s two, she can start her own band. That would be cute. Ages four through seven are ideal for kids to start learning to play an instrument.

It is strongly advised that young children begin their musical education on the ukulele rather than the guitar. It is simpler to hold and less confusing to play because it has fewer strings and is made of softer material. Just look how natural his kid looks with it.
Kenny Doesn’t Share Food!
The Cookie Monster is at it again, but this time her dad has gone to extreme lengths to protect his goodies. She’s small, so she can’t read the “don’t touch” sign. However, the mouse traps should do the trick. But don’t worry, folks, we’re sure she got a cookie unharmed.

Mouse traps or not, usually, kids will find a way to get a delicious chocolate chip cookie. Kenny’s kids are obviously his pride and joy, so we doubt he wouldn’t share cookies with them. If he doesn’t, the top shelf behind a can of vegetables is the best hiding place.
Party Time
It’s not a party without a piñata, and her clever baby sister positioned herself perfectly to grab all the sweet treats. Her sister isn’t going to be pleased. Sisters share a close bond, but when it comes to sharing, don’t expect to see hugs and giggles.

As adorable as this photo is, it only exists due to Kenny’s clever Photoshop, just like all these pictures. Mom and dad would never leave their child right under a piñata as well as near her sister with a bat.
Reaching Great Heights
Looks like Kenny’s daughter is reaching great heights. While visiting a safari park on a weekend getaway, she climbed up a giraffe’s neck. We’re only joking. The only thing that’s real here is the giraffe, even though it’s hard to believe they actually exist.

A guy named Kyle Brownlee made a joke way back in 2018 where he compared unicorns and giraffes. He said, “How are unicorns fake, but giraffes are real, like what’s more believable, a horse with a horn or a leopard-moose-camel with a 40-foot neck?” They do exist, though, and everyone loves them, especially Kenny’s daughter.
Superhero in the Making
“Sugar, spice, and everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girl.” Kenny’s daughter might not have been made in a lab, but she might just turn into one of the PowerPuff Girls and will fight crime before bedtime. Hashtag, it’s all fantasy.

If Kenny or any other parent wants to actually do a science experiment that isn’t radioactive, then may we suggest the elephant toothpaste experiment? It’s called that because of the foam that comes out of the bottle that looks like giant toothpaste.
Movie Night
Many parents are against screen time and scary movies before bed, but Kenny’s not a regular dad. He’s a cool dad. Instead of making his kid watch a boring princess movie, he played a zombie flick. In actuality, when you’re a girl dad, you have to sit through all the princess movies for life.

It’s really funny that the movie title is On Adventure With Zombies because, as you know, the name of his Instagram is “On Adventure With Dad.” Anyway, let’s all grab some popcorn and watch a zombie movie. Just ‘cause his daughter didn’t really watch it doesn’t mean we can’t.
Sabrina the Kid Witch
What do you do when you’re mad at your sibling? You probably don’t talk to them for hours, right? Well, Kenny’s daughter decided to sacrifice her sister. That would be absolutely shocking if it took place, but she’s not Sabrina the Teenage Witch, so all we could picture her doing is taking her toys.

Siblings, you can’t live with them, and you can’t live without them. At the end of the day, having a sibling is great, even though occasionally, they’ll make you so angry that you’ll fantasize about doing something like this. But, again, it’s all just in big sis’s imagination.
Stealing for Babies
Ooh, someone was green with envy over her dads’ new fancy watch. Obviously, she can’t buy herself one, so she’s reading this nifty book titled Stealing for Babies. If this wasn’t all in good fun, then we’d say Kenny better get a safe to protect his timepiece.

This book would be a best-seller if it were available for purchase in bookstores. Babies would want to know how to break into their cupboard to pinch candy or sugar without leaving any fingerprints. It would have to be a picture book because, need we say it, they can’t read.
Little Picasso
Rule number one of parenting: never leave your kids alone, especially if you have a bucket of paint in the house. Your child will go all Picasso on the walls and fill it with finger paintings. This is true for many parents, but fortunately for Kenny, this isn’t actually the case.

We’re happy for him that it’s only Photoshop. That mess would take hours to clean. They say it takes a village to raise a child, and we say to clean up after them as well. But, sigh of relief, he doesn’t really have to deal with that. He might only have a few toys to tidy up.
Living Life on the Edge
Seems like the Deuss sisters have a knack for building things and living life on the edge. Kenny’s so engrossed in his reading material that he didn’t notice what his mischievous girls were getting up to. Ha-ha, they are probably mischievous, but they would never get away with doing something like this.

Phew! We can rest easy knowing that this didn’t actually transpire because the results would have been disastrous. They can stick to riding their bikes on the ground and leave the stunts to the professionals. There are also always rollercoasters that they could go on. It’s safe but still gives an adrenaline rush.
Got Milk?
Are you lactose intolerant? If so, then you’re not alone. Kenny’s younger daughter was also born with a dairy allergy. But not to worry, there are tons of dairy-free products available. Some of them are so good you’ll be trying to get a drink of some any chance you get, like she does.

This isn’t the way she’d normally drink her milk; it’s just a very creative way to promote a dairy-free milk product. This brand partnered up with the right person. He’s got some ingenious ideas to promote products. Way to go, Kenny.
Olympic Sports, Here We Come
It was that wonderful time of year, ski time. By the looks of this picture, Kenny and his daughter could partake in the winter Olympic sports as a father-daughter duo. If this was legit, which we all know it isn’t, then his daughter would definitely steal the show with her cuteness.

This photo is priceless. It would be perfect for a holiday card to distribute to his family. In the future, she can really hit the slopes. She’ll have a blast. As Warren Miller once said, “A pair of skis are the ultimate transportation to freedom.”
Kid in the Box
To a kid, one of the most amazing gifts they could get is a box. For some reason, they really enjoy playing with it. To many, it’s just a thing you put stuff in, but kids have incredible imaginations, so to them, it could be a car.

His daughter is having the time of her life while not actually sliding down a plank of wood. In reality, it was a Photoshoot, albeit in a box. It would be fun to slide down that, but it would be risky; that’s why Kenny Photoshopped the image.
Hide ‘n’ Seek
Autumn is one of the best seasons because of the fallen leaves. You can step on them and hear that wonderful crunch, and you can also play hide ‘n’ seek in them. They didn’t really do this, but it would be a good hiding spot.

In the photo, his daughter is hiding, but he cheated and used a leaf blower to find her. If he actually did this, his daughters would call him a cheater cheater pumpkin eater. When they do play, we can imagine Kenny is fair and square.
First Steps
Name a better place to let your kiddo take their first steps than on a bridge. You’d probably say safe and sound at home, right? Well, that’s true. That’s most likely where Kenny’s little girl really took her first steps. He must’ve been beaming with pride.

When a child takes their first steps, they’re going to be off balance. If a baby was able to balance like this on their first try on a ledge, then we’d say they are destined for the Olympics as a gymnast.
Pizza Lover
Anyone feel like pizza? Kenny’s daughter has eleven boxes. Maybe she’ll be willing to share. After all, sharing is caring. Or maybe she’d give away the veggies she didn’t want. Realistically, if she had this much pizza, we doubt she’d give anyone a piece of the cheesy goodness.

If she was able to place orders online using Kenny’s card at such a young age, then he’d have a problem on his hands. Either she would place a large order of pizza like in this photo or a ton of toys, which toddlers have done before.
Lending a Helping Hand
“Many hands make light work.” Kenny’s pride and joy must’ve learned that from her parents since she’s lending her dad a helping hand to install a new roof for their porch. This photoshop looks real, but we know her parents wouldn’t let her do this.

It’s heartwarming to see a father and daughter enjoying some quality time together. We’re talking more like watching a movie, not this. But we know no father would actually let their little angel climb onto a roof, not even when they’re older.
Pro Skater
Move aside Tony Hawk; there’s a new pro skater in town, and he even skates while holding a baby. We can also safely say that he is the king of multitasking. Okay, the pro skater thing was a fib, but he probably can multitask really well.

There’s a possibility that Kenny is a fantastic skateboarder, but we’ll never know since his photoshopping skills are too good. Kenny’s Instagram is proof that not everything you see online is real. Photoshop is accessible to nearly everyone today. At least Kenny lets us know that it’s fake.
Turkey and Tinsel
Christmas; it’s a magical time of year. Some kids only focus on the presents, and then there are Kenny’s daughters. One had her sights set on the beautiful Christmas tree, and the other was focused on fixing herself a plate of food. We can relate to the last one.

It’s plausible that his daughter was busy with her food, but not that her baby sister stacked the presents to reach the star. Santa Claus would’ve had to put her on his naughty list for putting herself in danger like that.
Unique Transportation
Did your grandparents ever tell you that they had to walk miles through a blizzard or on horse and carriage to get to school? Now Kenny’s daughter can tell people one day that she traveled by holding onto her dad’s bike. They never have to know that this isn’t for realsies.

If she ever has to rock up to school on a skateboard like this, then she would be the coolest kid in school. Hopefully she would actually throw on a helmet, knee, and elbow pads because safety is cool too kids.
Graffiti Workshop
Let’s all aspire to be as happy and carefree as Kenny’s youngest in this photoshoot. We guess she is smiling because her sister didn’t spray her with paint. If she really had, she’d be in tears. Then again, she might not have been.

What fun! We’re referring to the graffiti workshop, by the way, not the part about spraying Kenny’s daughter with a can of spray paint. At least all they walked away with were some fun photos instead of colorfully painted faces and clothes.
Kids Will Be Kids
What can cause great destruction when in the hands of a child? If you guessed pudding, then ding, ding, ding, we have a winner. We wouldn’t suggest leaving your child alone with a bowl of dessert unless you want to find everything decorated with it.

Kids will be kids; they’ll leave their toys all over the show and get pudding everywhere. Out of all the photos, Kenny wouldn’t necessarily need Photoshop to create this one. He did use it, but we could imagine this scenario happening for real.
Adulting Things
In 2021 Kenny’s oldest daughter reached a huge milestone. She started her first day of school! Before heading off to class, she had a couple of things to do. The first item on the agenda was to fill her car with gas. They grow up so fast.

She is lucky that she doesn’t actually have to worry about gas prices for many years. Hmm, maybe we should all start driving those toy cars. They don’t need gas or need to be charged. Now that’s a brilliant idea!
Baby Mechanic
Kenny’s munchkin can change a tire, you guys. Most adults don’t even know how to do that. It’s fine, though, because she actually can’t. Babies weren’t built for doing physical work like that. They are built for watching cartoons, eating, and napping.

Wait till you hear Kenny’s hilarious pun. He said that he’s way too tired to do this, and maybe he should retire. He can Photoshop and come up with great puns. What can he not do? But seriously, Kenny really has got good dad jokes.
Watch out!
Wow, look at these two committing to their New Year’s resolutions to exercise more. It was actually Kenny’s goal, and his daughter tagged along. Sike! No one commits to their resolutions. Just as well because they would’ve taken a tumble because of the hole ahead.

Wait a second. Kenny might’ve stuck to his goal, but what we know for sure is that he didn’t take his daughter with him. Good for him getting his medals. He just inspired us to get up and go for a bike ride. Oh, but first TV time!
Ready, Set, Go!
“Lights out and away we go!” as commentator David Croft famously says. They’re still a bit young for the big leagues, but for now, they can race each other in a kid’s playground. It’s good enough and still lots of fun.

If you’re ever in the Netherlands, you and your little ones should go pay Monkey Town in Schagen a visit. You can go have lunch there and make a whole day of it. And don’t forget the best part, the racing.